Mala has worked in Insolvency since 1997. Initially she specialised in personal insolvency dealing with IVA’s and bankruptcies, however, since 2007 she has operated in corporate insolvency on a number of significant assignments within several industries including hospitality, retail, manufacturing and professional football.
She excels on complex trading assignments, managing delinquent corporate and personal accounts and maximising cash collections with a focus in treating customers fairly with their needs being at the forefront of decision making and optimising stakeholder value.
Mala routinely manages all forms of corporate insolvency assignments (Trading Administrations, CVL’s MVL’s and CVA’s) including initial director meetings, evaluating insolvency options and formulating recommendations and trading businesses in insolvency scenarios with a typical turnover between £1m up to £35m. She also has extensive experience in the negotiation and sales of businesses and assets via a formal process.